Fajr | Sunrise | Zuhr | Asr | Magrib | Isha | |
Begins | 05:30 | 07:07 | 12:20 | 03:30 | 05:23 | 06:52 |
Jama'ah | 06:00 | 01:00 | 04:00 | 05:23 | 07:30 | |
Full Year Timetable |
The objective of the association is for the benefit of the residents of the borough of thurrock in the county of essex, in particular muslims by Providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education. The advancement of the islamic religion, including the establishment of a mosque, and The provision of recreation other leisure-time occupation of the inhabitants of the area of benefit in the intersects of social welfare and so that their conditions of life may be improved.
Grays Mark Masjid
Thurrock Islamic Education & Cultural Association
Parkway Centre, Park Road Grays
Essex RM17 6RB